1. FAQs
  2. Index Funds

When is the rebalance applied to my Index Fund portfolio?

When a 3% or more divert appears

In the case of Index Fund portfolios, the rebalance will be done at least once a year, or sooner if there is a 3% or more divert from its original distribution.

These portfolios will be under review at least two times a week. If its distribution is a side with the plan or the risk profile, no orders would be sent out. On the other hand, if we detect any kind of divert, orders would be sent out to return the portfolio to its initial model assignation. 

For a natural resident in Spain person, adjustments are going to be carried out through internal transfer orders, which have the tax deferral benefit. Unlike foreign residents and legal entities, their adjustments will be carried out through refunds and subscription orders (purchase and sale), incurring the corresponding withholding taxes in case of capital gains.