How is the Dynamic ETFs HWM (High Water Mark) calculated?

If the net asset value falls in some period, the success fee would not be charged

The watermark or HWM (High Water Mark) is a term used in portfolios and investment funds to ensure that investors do not have to pay success fees after a fall in the markets.

This calculation only affects the inbestMe Dynamic ETF portfolio (dynamic management).

An HWM guarantees that if the net asset value of the fund (or a portfolio in this case) fell over during an investment period (a month, a quarter or a year, as defined in the fund's prospectus portfolio), the success fee would only be applied on any performance that exceeds the highest level that the fund or portfolio had reached in a previous investment period.

The industry usually defines this calculation as a “reset” period, which in the case of inbestMe, implies two years.

You can see the graphical calculation below: