1. FAQs
  2. Promotions

Invite a Friend Plan

€50 each if you recommend inbestMe

With the promotion Invite a Friend, clients (Inviters) can recommend inbestMe to their family and friends (Guests) and, if they create an account and contribute money, both (the Inviter and the Guest) would get a €50 gross prize invested in their plans (it is NOT valid for Pension Plans). 

To participate in the promotion, the Inviter has to be the 1st owner of an inbestMe portfolio. On the other hand, anyone who is an adult and who hasn't been a customer before can to participate as a Guest. Also, to make the prize effective, it is necessary to open an account and contribute money as a Guest. 

To receive this incentive, it is necessary that both the Invitee and the Inviter have contributed the Minimum Amount for opening an inbestMe account according to the Investment Plan they have contracted.

Furthermore, to get the promotion, the Inviter has to recommend inbestMe using the invitation link on his client area, and the Guest has to open an account by clicking on it. Additionally, the Inviter guarantees to have the Guest’s consent to send them emails related to the Friend Plan. Once the Guest has contributed the capital, in the course of the following month inbestMe will pay the €50 (subject to current taxation) into the investment plan of the Guest and Inviter. The delivery of this incentive constitutes a cash income from movable capital. It will therefore be subject to personal income tax withholding at the rate determined by the legislation in force at any given time. The client must declare the full amount of the incentive as explicit income from movable capital in the taxable savings base of their personal income tax, so that inbestMe is relieved of any other responsibility.

inbestMe will pay €50 (minus the current withholding) between the 5th and 10th of the following month from the activation of the Guest account. Then, an email will be sent to both to inform them about it. 

If the client withdraws the capital and closes the account before the two-year permanence period since the promotional payment date, inbestMe will discount the gross amount of the bonus by the time of the capital withdrawal. (For the bonuses received before 01/01/2022, the permanence will be a year).

inbestMe reserves the right to cancel the promotion at any time without giving any prior notification if it detects that someone has been doing fraudulent use of it.

Important note: your portfolio would keep approximately 1% of cash from the management volume to discount the appropriate taxes. Also, in case of having used a promotion, the amount is going to maintain in cash during the first two years since the date the payment had been done.