1. FAQs
  2. Kids Accounts

How to open a minor account?

100% online and in a few minutes

We must remember that the account holder will be the minor and the account will be opened by an adult as the authorized for the minor.

The figure of adult person authorized to open the account can be one of these two options:

  • The parents, either the mother or the father.
  • The legal guardian.

To determine the investment profile, you must answer these questions with the minor in mind: time horizon and age; and thinking about the authorized adult in these questions: objective, risk aversion, possible loss, employment situation, income and assets.

When opening an account you can select the type of account (personal, minor or company) and once the minor is selected, it is recommended to have the following documentation at hand (in PDF or JPG) that you will need to upload to the platform during the registration process:

  • Valid DNI of the minor.
  • Valid DNI of the authorized adult (mother, father or legal guardian).
  • The Family Book or the Notary Act/Judicial Sentence that certifies the guardianship of the minor (the pages with the necessary information must all be in the same PDF file).
  • Certificate of ownership of the bank account from which the transfer will be made (normally, a recent receipt or movement showing the number of the original account and the holders thereof).

I am already a customer of inbestMe

In case of being the father, mother or legal guardian who already has an account in inbestMe, the steps to follow will be these:

Access your Client Area → Select the option "New account" → Choose the type of account "Minors" → Upload the necessary documents of the minor and corresponding certificates → Contribute the desired capital to start the investment of the minor (additional contributions can be made when the adult wants it).

In this case, we already have most of the adult's information, therefore, only some fields or data that need updating will have to be completed. The platform will indicate the necessary steps (we will not ask for all the adult's information, since by having an active inbestMe account, this legal information is registered in our database due to KYC regulations).



I am not yet an inbestMe customer

If you are the father, mother or legal guardian of the minor and you do not have an inbestMe account, you must follow these steps:

Take the questionnaire to know your profile → Create a user password → Choose the type of "Minors" account → Write the data of the adult and the minor requested in the registration process → Upload the necessary documents for both the adult and of the minor → Contribute the desired capital to start the investment of the minor (additional contributions can be made when the adult wishes).

Investment accounts for minors can only have a single owner (the minor), accounts cannot be opened with two minor co-owners or accounts with a minor and an adult as co-owners. The account for minors can only be opened with a single owner (the minor) and a single authorized person (adult).

Easy fund transfer

If you prefer, you can also make an easy transfer of funds from another entity. Our new "Easy Fund Transfer" feature allows you to do this with no additional cost and in a very easy and intuitive way.

Investment accounts for minors can only have a single account holder (the minor), accounts cannot be opened with two minors as joint account holders or accounts with a minor and an adult as joint account holders. Only the account for minors can be opened with a single holder (the minor) and a single authorized person (adult).